The Final Week at Advanced Camp

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Camp Photographer & Communications Assistant Will Ciardelli Things have been busy at Smirkus Camp over the last couple weeks! Advanced Camp session has entered its final week and as we move towards our showcase this coming Friday, we are now running acts in their entirety, and finalizing the creative elements of our upcoming show. This includes costumes, the order of the show and even puppets! The staff and campers built and painted puppets that are essential elements in the show they created. There is a large dragon which is manned by 8 people and there are two birds that…
Going Out on the Road with Road Show

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Camp Photographer & Communications Assistant Will Ciardelli We’re now just over a week into Advanced Camp which includes our Advanced Ensemble, Individual Acts, and Road Show sessions. Ensemble and Individual Acts just wrapped up their first week of class rotations, which gives the campers an idea of what they may want to incorporate into their camp-end showcases. They have now moved into show prep and act rehearsals. The Road Show campers are now in performance mode with shows being performed around Northern Vermont. Road Show campers performed their dress rehearsal for the other campers and staff on Friday which went…
Get to Know Some of Our Counselors

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Camp Photographer & Communications Assistant Will Ciardelli Last week we introduced some of the amazing coaches that we have here at Smirkus Camp, but there are many other people who make our days magical. Our counseling staff are the ones who wake the campers in the morning, put them to bed at night, remind them to wear closed-toed shoes and their aerial pants. But the counselors also spend much of their days following around the campers, watching them move through their rotations and assisting them in any way they can. Unlike most of our coaching staff, our…
Meet A Few Camp Coaches!

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Camp Photographer & Communications Assistant Will Ciardelli This summer at Smirkus Camp, we have an amazing coaching staff filled with experienced circus artists from around the world. Our Head Coach, Tyler Jacobson, regularly tours around the country with Cirque Dreams Holidaze and can also be seen alongside our Activities Coordinator, Mariah Fraker, performing with Cirque Us. Tyler is a true multidisciplinary master, performing contortion, hand balancing, aerial hoop, hula hoops, aerial silks, and diabolo, while also teaching the campers all of those same skills! As Head Coach, Tyler oversees the progress of the camp…
A Smirkus Welcome to Intermediate and Road Show!

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Camp Photographer & Communications Assistant Will Ciardelli We are now in the fifth week at Smirkus Camp, just beginning the Intermediate Camp two week session, and the start of the five week Road Show session. We wrapped up last week with our All Levels two week camp’s showcase on Friday which went far above any of our expectations for an All Levels program. The kids executed amazing performances filled with beautiful aerial acts, impressive juggling routines and some hilarious clown gags. It was a full week of intensive rehearsals to prepare, and it’s easy to say that it all paid off….
At Smirkus, Dress Up is Every Day

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Camp Photographer & Communications Assistant Will Ciardelli Aside from all the circus classes and rehearsals the kids have been attending and doing here at camp, they have been having an absolute blast participating in some of our other fun activities and traditions at camp. Some of these include well known games and sports like soccer and dodgeball, but others are more camp specific with activities like Gold Rush, Staff Hunt, and Dutch Auction! Last evening we held the Smirkus Camp version of Halloween, where staff members hid throughout the camper dorms as the campers…
Get to Know Our All Levels 2 Week Camp!

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Camp Photographer & Communications Assistant Will Ciardelli What a start we’ve had to our All Levels 2 week session! Despite the dreary weather, the campers and staff have been bright in spirit, and high have high hopes of the days to come. Our Head Counselor Alevia and our Assistant Camp Director Ezra took charge in leading the drop-off day ice breakers. They successfully entertained everyone as the kids got to know each other through games like rock-paper-scissors evolution, and passionately discussing hot topics such as chocolate vs. vanilla and the baked beans vs. the refried…
Spend the Day with Smirklings!

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Camp Photographer & Communications Assistant Will Ciardelli Smirkus Camp is officially up and running for the summer! Our second weekend at camp was the Smirkling for a Day camp. The campers and their families arrived to our campus bright and early with an 8:00am dropoff, ready for a full day of circus. We started the day in our acro tent Natalie with a full group warm up, to get everyone’s body energized and ready for the day’s activities. Once the campers were warm, they moved from tent to tent in their smaller rotation groups taking classes and learning some important…
Summer Starts with Smirklings!

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Camp Photographer & Communications Assistant Will Ciardelli We’re less than a week into Smirkus Camp and what a time we’ve already had! We started off with quite the rainy welcome day to our Smirkling Overnight session. Parents dropped off their kids who were bubbling with excitement in anticipation of their two days at camp. For many campers, this was their first time sleeping away from home. The coaches and counselors took charge, getting everyone settled into their dorms, then started with some icebreakers and group games to warm everyone up on this damp and chilly afternoon. After warm ups, everyone moved into the…
There’s A Lot Going on at Advanced Camp!

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Camp Photographer & Communications Assistant Will Ciardelli The last few weeks during our Advanced session were amazing! And Road Show session campers headed out on the road to perform over 20 shows. On July 23, when the Advanced campers arrived we did some fun games to get everybody acquainted with one another before heading into our busy week! Our days were structured with rotation groups as per usual, the individual session campers had their own group, and the ensemble was broken into three different groups while Road Show remained on their own schedule. Campers went tent to tent doing different exercises…