Shows, Shows and More Shows!

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Camp Photographer & Communications Assistant Will Ciardelli Our Intermediate and Skills Intensive session was jam-packed with incredibly productive training sessions, tiring rehearsals and two fabulous shows. The focus of our second week was put towards creating a showcase that was presented on the final Friday to family and friends. Coaches brainstormed with the intermediate campers to decide a theme for the show they were working to create, ideas such as Outer Space, Western, even a Beyoncé theme were considered but we ended up building the show around the theme of Adventure. This opened up a great pool of ideas including an Indiana…
Creation and Show Time at Camp!

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Camp Photographer & Communications Assistant Will Ciardelli Another end to another exciting week! The unofficial theme of this week was Show Creation where campers switched gears from learning new skills to act creation! Instead of our usual rotation group based classes, we switched to rehearsal blocks. After campers chose their acts, they met in their groups and put their creative energy into the act creation process. This was a first for many of our campers which offered a vital experience for our budding circus artists and performers. Although it’s a difficult job, our campers worked incredibly hard…
A Car-load of Talent!

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Camp Photographer & Communications Assistant Will Ciardelli As we go into our second week of the All Levels 2-week session, we look back at the last week at Clown Alley. As per usual the campers have been training hard in their rotation groups and choice time, learning a variety of different skills and polishing up some already practiced tricks and bits. But in this session we put our campers up to the test – a Lip Synch Battle against their counselor groups and we were not disappointed! Everybody rehearsed their songs and even added some snazzy choreography to compete for…
Finding Gold and Magic at Smirkus Camp

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Camp Photographer & Communications Assistant Will Ciardelli What a fun past week it’s been here up at Smirkus Camp! The All Levels One Week camp has just wrapped up after a packed schedule of circus training, dinner dress-ups, and lots and lots of fun activities. When the campers arrived last Sunday we began with fun icebreaker and get-to-know-you games, which helped introduce campers, coaches and counselors to each other. Soon after, campers were divided into their rotation/counselor groups where the campers and then came together to choose a group name and secret handshake! The days began…
Smirkling Camp Saturday

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Camp Photographer & Communications Assistant Will Ciardelli Wow! What a day we all had, and what a successful beginning to our summer sessions with the Smirkling Day Camp. The camp staff provided an incredibly warm and inclusive welcome to all 70 of our little Smirklings despite the wet and rainy weather conditions. After parents said their goodbyes to their soon-to-be circus stars, we broke into groups led by our enthusiastic counselors leading into some fun icebreakers to get everybody comfortable and acquainted. Our coaches then led a group warm up to get everybody ready to do…
Advanced Camp is Underway

Editor’s Note: This post was written by summer Camp Communications Associate Hilary Packard The second week of our advanced camp is well underway! The energy is high as we start rehearsals for all three shows that will happen at the end of the session! Our individuals program has been working hard on their acts as well as their character work with games like So You Think You Can Aerial Dance. Ensemble has entered rehearsal week with renewed passion as the theme was announced just a few days ago, I will leave the theme a surprise for now, and minds are buzzing with story…
Now I KNOW I want to do Circus

Editor’s Note: This post was written by summer Camp Communications Associate Sojourn Gudorf Johnston “I thought I wanted to do circus, but now I KNOW I want to do circus.” Another inspiring Camp Smirkus session has concluded! Session 3 campers shared their talents, creativity, and excitement with us for two weeks, and with their parents in their final showcase. The campers used this opportunity to showcase what they worked on during Session 3. They voiced their ideas and collaborated on selecting what they wanted to present to their adults. The past week was packed full of fun activities such as Family Feud night,…
Props, Pies, Rubber Chickens? Oh My!

Editor’s Note: This post was written by summer Camp Communications Associate Sojourn Gudorf Johnston This week’s blog highlight is Clowning! Clowning is a magical gift that magnifies a version of a character by emphasizing relatable mistakes and allows you to find the humor in these everyday activities. It encourages us to laugh at ourselves. There is actually ‘Clown Logic’. This technique explores the silly nature of how a clown thinks through a situation, usually in a very unpractical way. In the clowning tent at Smirkus Camp, campers learn how to develop their character and express their creativity though a variety of games, exercises,…
And today…We Do Circus!

Editor’s Note: This post was written by summer Camp Communications Associate Sojourn Gudorf Johnston Session 2 concluded the very busy week with a successful and highly entertaining show! In only 3 days, the coaches and campers undertook the project of creating a show. This meant all hands-on deck; which involved learning all aspects of a circus performance, from rigging, to prop handling, to performing. Each act demonstrated and highlighted the campers’ talents, while also showing off their newly acquired skills. From the exciting pre-show unicycle act, to the hilarious opening clowning act, through the energetic and upbeat closing act, every moment was a…
Flip, Fly and Focus on Acro!

Editor’s Note: This post was written by summer Camp Communications Associate Sojourn Gudorf Johnston Our second session of the summer was a 2-week All Levels Circus Camp. Campers participated and shared in Smirkus Camp fun this week and are looking forward to one more week in the session. During the second week, the campers and coaches will begin working on their end of session show. Speaking of shows… the campers had the delight of watching the dress rehearsal of 2022 Big Top Tour: On The Road Again. It was brilliant and inspiring to observe the outcome of training and hard work. It also created…