Tutu Tuesday!
Hey! Let me ask you something…I know you are probably having a really fantastic Tuesday. I know your Tuesday is top notch. But what does your Tuesday not have? Is the answer a tutu? Yes? Then read more to find out about how your very own tutu will enhance every aspect of your Tuesday schedule! Scientists everywhere agree that tutus are a critical component to living a full, productive and FUN Tuesday. Why have a normal Tuesday when you can have a Tutu Tuesday?! What are the benefits of a tutu on Tuesday? Find out below! Tutus are extraordinarily beneficial in a variety of circus and everyday activities. The renowned mystical properties of the tutu have been experienced by Smirkus Campers for the past 25 years.
Our campers use the magical balancing properties of the tutu to hold a handstand in acrobatics class. Camp Director Bill Merrylees uses his tutu to give him super speed powers on his bike!
Whether dancing or striking a pose, tutus are the magic touch you need!
Going for a run? Well, let me tell you about how a tutu will keep you hydrated and strong during your morning run!
At Clown Alley? There’s nothing like adding a tutu to your clowning class!
We take juggling class very seriously here and tutus are required every Tuesday to maximize focus and coordination.
Tuesday only comes once a week so don’t delay and put on your tutu today! Alright well, a tutu may not give you superpowers (and handstands only happen with practice) but at Smirkus Camp we love Tutu Tuesday and all the goofy joy it brings! Remember to see the Flickr page for even more Tutu Tuesday shenanigans!
All the best,