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Show pitch and a sunny day- Friday, June 14th

Yesterday began as the nicest day so far! It was warm and sunny from the start, and the smiles were even bigger than before at breakfast. It’s definitely easier to get up early (breakfast is at 7:30am, so everyone wakes up at 7) when the sun is shining. 



From trampoline to clowning to triple trapeze, at rehearsals yesterday, the troupers began building their routines for the show. While they still didn’t know which characters they’d be playing, I enjoyed seeing them combine the skills they’d been working on in each act- it feels like the show is really starting to come together! It’s hard to imagine what things will look like once everyone is performing together in their costumes and makeup under the Big Top, but for now, the troupers are definitely progressing in their individual acts.



We also finished the filming of the video for our green initiative with trouper Sarah Tiffin dressed as a clown sunbather.


Last night’s council meeting concluded with an announcement from directors Jesse and Troy… they would be doing the show pitch! After the typical announcements and business at council, Jesse stood up and excitedly told the troupers they’d be doing show pitch, which is when the directors tell the troupers about the plot, theme, and characters of the show. 


As Jesse animatedly talked about each scene of Oz Incorporated, the troupers watched, clapping and cheering as they learned how each act would be used in the storyline. I was excited to learn more about the show, since before show pitch I didn’t know anything about it besides the title! Of course, the details of the show have to be kept under wraps- I wouldn’t want to take away from the thrill of the circus by revealing any surprises!Image

Time has definitely flown by since I arrived in Greensboro on June 5th- just over a week ago- and yet I’ve begun to feel so accustomed to life here that I feel like I’ve been here forever. Returning tour staff have told me that just as I feel I’m getting used to the Circus Barn, it’ll be time for the first show (June 29th!) and we’ll be on the road- and once tour starts, there will barely be time to adjust to each city before it’s time to travel to the next one.


