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Just a Fun Post About Interviews

When our troupers aren’t performing in the spotlight, some of them have the opportunity to be interviewed by the press.

Recently, Sam Ferlo was featured on the FRONT PAGE of the New York Times, Olivia Saunders was interviewed by The Boston Globe, and several local newspapers have had the opportunity to chat with many other performers from the troupe.

The other day, Nick Zelle, MiNs, was interviewed over the phone by a New England newspaper. The interview was going normally;  he answered questions about performing with the show, what he did, and so on. I turned to talk to his mom, who happened to be standing nearby, and when I turned back to Nick, he was still on the phone, but also doing a one-handed handstand and answering the reporter’s questions. Leave it to circus performers to make telephone interviews exciting!

Photo Credit: Alex Zaprudsky

This was just a fun tidbit from my day that I wanted to share with you all!

Come check us out in Sandwich, Mass., on August 1–3 at Heritage Museums and Gardens. Ticket information can be found here! Or call 1-877-SMIRKUS  (1-877-764-7587

UPDATE: The article can be found here!

Tour Communications Intern

