Circus Blogs: Camp News Big Top Tour News Residency News

Behind the Scenes Prep Work

We’re less than a week away, folks! Things at Smirkus are about to get extremely hectic…but, through all the hard work, sweat, and long days of rehearsing, our troupers and support staff will be performing a show they are proud of. It will be an amazing sight when the skeleton of the performance-to-be bursts into a full-blown production—right before our eyes this week.

I caught a glimpse of the proscenium facade, which “Tex” Redinger, designed and is currently painting to be slick and streamlined in an industrial palette. This hard work is vital to the final aesthetic of the show because it is the first thing the audience sees upon entering the Big Top.

In order to help with the smoothness of the creation process, the directors — Jesse Dryden and Troy Wunderle — and production manager — Josh Shack — rely on the assistance of their production manager, Rafi Benjamin. He has an 11-year history with Smirkus including time at Smirkus Camp, on tour, as a coach, and currently as production assistant. He is the go-to man for the creative team and works to the best of his ability to assist Shack, Dryden, and Wunderle with whatever it is they ask of him. On Sunday he traveled to a nearby town to gather materials for some prop and set construction. From the looks of his bounty, the set and props will be whimsical and large.

The troupers have almost all of the kinks out of opening and will begin learning the choreography for finale! I can’t wait to get this show on the road!

Tour Communications Intern

