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Houston, we have a staff.

Big things are happening here at Camp, friends!  Did you hear that the staff is here?  THE STAFF IS HERE!


We had assembled little by little over the past few weeks but on Sunday we all officially landed for our week of training and orientating.  Done your typical get-to-know-you games, learning about our stances on Harry Potter and such.  We had a glorious hike on Beeler Mountain with some spectacular views.

Mountain Handstand

Not that it’s been all work though, we’ve had some time to get to know each other as well, walks to Willey’s and enjoyment of the beautiful surroundings and sunsets our camp provide in spades.  There was even a rainbow over camp this week!

Better Rainbwo


Of course we’ve had our fair share of sit down talk sessions: rules, regulations, and ways to keep everyone safe and happy here at camp.  We had some great discussions and outside presentations that are helping everyone feel confident about the summer ahead.

Breezy Ave

Probably the All Stars of staff week have been the kitchen personnel who have kept us not only fed but stuffed with meals that delight our senses!  I would like to give a special thank you to Caleb, who was a last minute addition as our Head Chef, and has fit in here like a clown in a tent.  Also I want to extend the shout out to Sue, Maria, and Mianda who have been going the extra mile with their kitchen duties as well.  If you are joining us sometime this summer get ready for some first class chow coming out of the pie car (there are even rumors of dessert!!)

I don’t want to over-hype this summer everyone, but this staff is pretty cool already and the forecast calls for the cool front to stay overhead for most of the summer.  If you are looking for more of the excitement and silliness that this summer will surely bring, you should follow my updates on Snapchat @SmirkusCamp.  And of course in the weeks to come I will continue to blog about Camps Greatest hits.  Up next in our summer schedule, a day of Intro to Smirkus, and 2 Smirkling sessions all adding up to a big week here at camp!

Houston, over and out.


Filed under: Smirkus Camp
Source: Smirkus Camp Feed
Houston, we have a staff.

